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Am I Entitled to Free Hosting with Smarthost if I Have Charitable Status?

Charities play a critical role in making a positive impact in our communities and addressing important social and environmental issues. As such, it’s important for charities to keep costs low and make the most of available resources. One common question among charity organisations is whether they are entitled to free hosting with their domain registrar, such as Smarthost. In this article, we will explore this question and provide information about what services Smarthost offers to charities.

Domain Registration and Hosting

It’s important to understand the difference between domain registration and hosting before exploring the question of whether charities are entitled to free hosting with Smarthost. Domain registration simply involves registering your desired domain name and reserving it for your use. This process ensures that your domain name is unique and helps establish a professional online presence for your organisation.

Hosting, on the other hand, involves storing your website files on a server and making them accessible to the public through the internet. Hosting is a crucial component of your website, as it provides the platform for your website to function and be accessible to the public.

Smarthost Services for Charities

Smarthost, like many domain registrars, does not offer free hosting to charities or any other type of organisation. While this may come as a disappointment, it’s important to keep in mind that domain registration and hosting are separate services.

However, Smarthost does offer free domain registration to its customers, regardless of their organisational status. This can be a valuable resource for charities, as it allows them to register their desired domain name without incurring any additional costs. By having a registered domain name, charities can establish a professional online presence and make it easier for their constituents to find them online.

While free hosting may seem like the most appealing option for charities, it’s important to keep in mind that free hosting options typically come with limitations, such as limited storage and bandwidth, and a lack of technical support. Paid hosting options, on the other hand, offer more robust features and support and may be more appropriate for charities that rely heavily on their website for their operations.

Smarthost recommends paid hosting for charities looking to ensure the best support and reliability for their website. Paid hosting options offer a higher level of resources, such as more storage and bandwidth, and better technical support, which can be crucial for the smooth operation of a charity’s website. In addition, paid hosting options are typically more reliable, providing charities with the peace of mind that their website will be accessible to the public when they need it.


In conclusion, while charities may be disappointed to learn that they are not entitled to free hosting with their domain registrar, such as Smarthost, it’s important to keep in mind that domain registration and hosting are separate services. Smarthost does offer free domain registration, which can be a valuable resource for charities looking to establish a professional online presence. When it comes to hosting, there are many options available, including both paid and free options. While free hosting options may seem appealing, Smarthost recommends paid hosting for the best support and reliability for a charity’s website. By choosing the right hosting option, charities can ensure that their website is accessible, functional, and able to support their important work.

To avail of a free domain name, please contact us at [email protected], with your charity details, charity number and contact information.

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