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  4. How to Change MX Records Using CPanel Zone File Editor

How to Change MX Records Using CPanel Zone File Editor

MX records provide instructions on how emails sent to a domain should be handled and routed. This can be done using the CPanel Zone File Editor. Here are the steps for changing your MX records using this tool:

Step One: Accessing CPanel Zone File Editor

  1. Log into your Cpanel account and select “Zone Editor” from the Domains section of your cPanel home page.
  2. Select the domain you wish to manage and click “Manage” next to it.
  3. Click “Basic View” at the top right side of the page to open up the Basic editor along with all existing MX records for that domain, if any exist already. You can also switch back to Advanced View if needed by clicking “Advanced View” in the upper-right corner at any time during this process.

Step Two: Editing Your MX Records with CPanel Zone File Editor

  1. To create new MX records, click “Add Record” located under the “MX” tab within CPanel Zone File Editor Interface or next to an existing record that you want to be replaced or deleted as indicated by a red circle on its left side when hovering over it with a mouse pointer.
  2. In order to delete any existing MX record, simply click on a circle icon located next to it and then click Delete from the popup menu that appears..
  3. Once you have added all desired lines, scroll down and save changes by clicking on the blue “Save Zone File” button located at bottom of the page. The changes may take up to 15 minutes or more before they become visible due to DNS cache TTLs but may be seen much sooner than that in some cases depending on which server you are hosted on as well as other factors out of our control..

Step Three: Checking The Results Of Your Changes

  1. To check and make sure that your new settings have taken effect, use any online tools designed specifically for this purpose such as MX toolbox.
  2. Enter your domain name in the respective field provided and press the “Enter” key on your keyboard followed by clicking “Lookup”. This should reveal what has been set upon successful completion of changes made via CPanel Zone File Editor.

By following these three simple steps, you can easily manage and modify your domain’s MX records using CPanel’s built-in Zone File editor.


By following these three simple steps, you can easily manage and modify your domain’s MX records using CPanel’s built-in Zone File editor.

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